Erzbergrodeo day 1

Its thursday, it was a long night and so we get up not to early. but, at 9:00 its already busting all around the tent, so we went out to inspect our neighbors. IMG_20160526_091102661,still, there are new participants with their crew and/or family are arriving, space is a scarce thing in the meantime, so the tents are errected along the main street tot. Thank god, we arrived yesterday and have claimed our ground. 🙂

Our combinated tent and transporter configuration does fit very well in the available part of iron ore gravel we had conquered last day. 😉

The view is a little bit restricted, but nonetheless still stimmulating

Oposite the “street” there is a participant from Lans (Its the tyrolian village were I bought my SX long time ago Lans ich komme ) he is busy with his box crew working on his EXC, aside from us, there is a family from germany with their camper, behind us is a bunch of italians, some of them arrived by motorcycle yetserday in the evening.

Multikulti, as it seems.

We do our braekfast with the bought food, and then start for a tour to the EBR main place up the hill. As always, we visit the Erzberg Merchandising, to fetch our rider shirts. Sabine (our neighbor, back in Vienna) is already busy with customers, all of them triing to buy some shirts, caps, etc.. as souvenir. After a short talk and shopping round we proceed to the race office to inquire about this strange new rule, forbidding motorcycles after 8pm. As expected, it was a misunderstanding of the security guy, so hmpf my feet are still hurting from the night walk through stones …, but after all we did clarify it now, so hopefully this will be the last walk uphill.
So, we are heading back to the mainplace to visit our booths too, as well as the new Enduro Cross arena with the new bleachers there IMG_20160526_121922811 Not only the mountain is changing every year…

Its amazing how this lot of people (alone approx. 4000-6000 participants, incl. crew and families) gets entertained and feed day by day. Even, if there is the slight impression, that some of the participants will nourish themselves only with barley, malt and water over the next days. So really biologic and vegetarian at the same time 😉 The overall impression is, that the Rodeo lost some of his wild , adventures side step by step, but I will not miss the the old mixed mobile WC for sure. And yet, there are still a lot of lunatics at the Rodeo. 🙂

After this we did a short exploration tour through the other camp, if we can spot someone we already know, but its hart to spot someone amongst all this tents and transporters. At least, close to our tent is the the german family from last year, they will aprticipate this year too.

During the whole time the Kärcher Rocket ride race takes place, as we do have a good view from the tent on the finish part of the track, we can stay with our cool drinks and watch from there. The only unpleasant thing, as it seems, is our power generator. For some reason the 12V Outlet doesn’t work, so we had to switch to 230V power to keep our electronic devices up and running. GoPro, Mobiles, Tablet, Camera, Loudspeaker, Fridge, etc.. should be loaded all the time. Counting all this items I remember my wild and adventures sermon…. 😉 Next year I will take the solar panel with me, I bet, quite certainly it will rain or snow then …

Ah, weather: Its hot, very hot no wind, no cloud is there, so whats the deal, we fetch some pizza from the main place and IMG_20160526_145911953dispatch it right at the spot.
Shortly after, its time to prepare for the prolog test exploration. As we already know, its a long and slow procedure, and under this weather conditions hot too. We didn’t hurry, yet we did arrive for the start even right in time. From there its 13km uphill, very slowly and hot, and then the same way return (i do not understand why, as after the races we do leave the mountain on the beutiful back site, so the track is ruined by 1600 bikes, two times…) Finally, 1 1/2 hours later we are back in camp and glad to have prepared our solar shower. Thus allowing us to remove the dust from the face and the sweat from the skin.

After this we take our sun umbrella, folding chairs and the camera and head to the border wall of our drivers paddock, from where we do have a nice few over the start and the track of the Rocket Ride. In the meantime its the final rounds, so they start in groups, not making it easier to climp this monstros hills. .

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Video from one run

In the meantime ts getting dark and so we head to the main tent for the winners celebration and riders briefing. The winners are awarded the traditional stone as price. Breaks are filled with red bull sports clips, every time facinating the perfection of this movies..

After this the party starts!

As junior and me do not drink any alcohol, the situation very soon gets uncomforting, so we head back to our tent.

My new headlight really improves the driving experience back down the mountain, so we arrive safely back at the tent.
As expected, this night isn’t a silent,a s the last, but none the less, this has to be expected. 😉

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