Ho, Ho, Ho for Charity

As every year, bikers from Vienna, and the surrounding area, come together to present the children in the St. Anna Children’s Hospital a little joy for Christmas. Of course Versya is also involved in something like this. You can find the report from 2017 here  
That’s why Voodoo was transformed out of its matt black world and festively decorated for this occasion.







So Versya and Voodoo were ready for the special occasion. Since the southern meeting point is close to my workplace, I turned into a marshmellow Christmas woman within 5 minutes, as the temperature was especially fresh with humid and cool 3°. Only good that the dress was purchased in XXL, but so I can at least offer the worthy Santa Clauses in the body size paroli 😉

From the meeting points, it was a merry rally from the north and south of Vienna to the meeting point at Schwarzenbergplatz.
Due to the weather situation there were a little less participants than in 2017, but still the crowd of the assembled Christmas women and men was big enough to take care of enthusiastic drivers and pedestrians, who welcomed our spectacle very often positively with smiles and waves. Voodoo had its own surprise for the children along the way. A specially converted tank bag fugated as a candy store, which was diligently distributed to the children. After all, the motorcycle offspring must also be encouraged 🙂











Of course the most important target of our trip was the St. Anna Children’s Cancer Hospital. Arrived there, the presents were unloaded, which were bought with the donations of the FB group (Christmas biker Hallowheeler…). Then there was the obligatory Christmas singing and the punch brewed by the kitchen of the St. Anna Children’s Hospital.
After the carols in the inner courtyard of the hospital, we returned to the starting point at Schwarzenbergplatz with our bike convoy.

The children we were allowed to meet were in various health conditions, but everyone was happy about the spectacle, which brought a little variety into their everyday life. and so it should be. 🙂


At the end, but not last, a lovingly cutted video of Koshro Kashanipour, which he made available to me for this post. Thank you Khosro!

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