Ways made of granite

are stony

7:00 am, the thermometer shows 8°, the sky: slightly cloudy, and the hairstyle fits. 😉
And, I quickly make the round with the Doggy before to the Waldviertel tour to Grein commences.

At 7:10 the first unpleasant surprise, Claudias participation is cancelled!  An insidious bee has immortalized itself with its sting in her cheek and the affected eye is almost closed. Since we are not pirates and all-round vision is an essential safety aspect, she unfortunately has to cancel.
Su didn’t want to join us until later, so I could hop into a warm bed now, if it wasn’t for this pre-order. The, already paid, Batzl Guglhupf *mjam* from Schörgi in Grein is waiting to be picked up!
Now, driving over the motorway does not make sense either, and even less fun, so the tour will be ridden as planned, to the exact point.

I allow myself a little shortcut. From Vienna to Traismauer I use the motorway. So I miss Zwentendorf, but, well, what am I missing then? 😉
Maybe a short shock? Somewhere on the A1, I feel a short jolt on my trouser leg. As I touch the spot I notice that the thigh pocket is open.

Normally I have my smartphone stored in this pocket! In the mirror I can’t see anything of course. On the other lane I see employees of the Austrian motorway operator with their vehicle. I decide to call them when I get off the motorway. By then they will have completed their round control trip, and with a little luck they will have found my (destroyed?) Smartphone.
In Traismauer I leave the motorway. Before I call the motorway operator, I check all my pockets, and lo and behold! My mobile phone is in the same pocket as the drones steering mobile phone!  A stone that falls from my heart, although somehow I would have been happy about a new, more powerful smartphone, but the circumstances to restore bank, signature, and other 2-factor authentications would not have been so funny . 😉
From Traismauer I follow the Danube until Mautern,
In front of the roundabout, which connects Herzogenburg and Krems, I make another stop to let the drone fly to Göttweig Abbey.

Yesterday I did a last minute flight check, today it flies wonderfully towards Göttweig, before it is thrown completely off course in an instant and crashes from a height of 30m. For a short time my heart stops. Then, regaining my breath, I remember the drone search function and use it to find the drone after a short walk through the vineyards. Undamaged.  Again a load that falls from my heart.
Only one of the new propellers is slightly scratched. So I suspect that they are not 100% compatible after all and exchange them right back again.  Afterwards there is a second, shorter test flight, which is successful. Hopefully that’s it!.

It goes further on through Mautern, where I use the last straight (bridge) to bring the meditation to the right level before the turn spectacle starts.
The advantage of a group is good entertainment, the advantage of no group is also good entertainment 😉

So i ride fast from east to north, then west, then south. Always interrupted by test shots with the new drone, which is flying well now.
At the border to Upper Austria I make a stop. Recently I have developed a weakness for photos at borders and so I take my photos there, too.

Surprise follows on foot. While driving away I notice that the road banquet is very soft and soaked, and so I make a long trace in the banquet and then on the road that testifies to the struggle with the deep soil.  Where are the granite stones, if you need them? 😉
At the entrance to Grein, the most exciting test for the drone commences.
A short flight out on the Danube to film Grein from the “sea side”.
Before that I exchanged the SD card with the previous recordings, only to be on the safe side 🙂

The flight succeeds and delivers a beautiful shot of Grein from a unique perspective.
What I also see: There is already something going on in front of the Schörgi Cafe.

So I drive up to the counter, get my parcel, put it into the tank bag and, after a short look around, I escape relatively quickly from the chaos of bikes, motorcycles, cars and pedestrians on site.
Apparently too fast, because Eva and her group from Upper Austria have arrived at the site shortly afterwards. What a pity, but we will see us in 14 days at the WRWR Ripple in Stmk and Carinthia.
But, so I’m already on my way to St. Nikolai and the Yspertal and further on via Pöggstall and Weitental back to Emmersdorf. In Pöggstall I have reached Su, she is waiting for me at the ferry inn in Melk. So I cross the Danube and arrive at the local inn.

The garden of the Inn is good, but moderately filled, a strong contrast to the Schörgi.
So we chat and eat a little before we start our way through the Dunkelsteiner forest towards St. Pölten.

There our paths split again.
Su rides via St. Corona !! 🙂 , and I take the highway home.
After all, the cake has already spent another 4 hours in the tank bag and urgently needs to be brought to its worthy consideration.  🙂

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